clubCREATE is your entry point to getting involved with CREATE! Whether you want to come along to our events, enter our competitions or take part in our empowerment program, this is where you can start! Make sure to let us know if you’ve moved house or any of your details have changed, so that we can stay in touch. Here you’ll find a collection of resources, articles, programs and competitions for you to get involved in!


Resources for you, your carer, caseworker and more! Informed by your voices, we've put together some great resources to help you in your care experience.

We have a range of video resources, including webinars, animations, and short films to help navigate your journey through the care system. 

Our Programs and Events

We'd love to see you around some of our programs. Check them out!

Want to know how young people can engage with CREATE? Check out the Participation Portal!

You, children and young people with a lived experience of the care system, are the centre of the work we do at CREATE. Connect, empower, change is more than just a motto to us, it’s a pathway for how you can participate with CREATE; connecting with us at our events, being empowered through our programs, and getting the platform to create change in the care system. To see how children and young people participate with CREATE, check out our Participation Portal. 

How CREATE creates change

CREATE does a lot of things – which can make it a little confusing to figure out HOW we actually make change. So we put together a little chart to talk through all the ways we can change the care system – and showing why we need your help! Your voices are the key to how we create change, from beginning to end!

Have something to say about CREATE? What you have to say is very important to us.

If you’ve got a suggestion or feedback for us, or if you want to make a complaint, click on the button below to make your voice heard.

CREATE's Latest News


February Advocacy Wrap Up

CREATE’s monthly Advocacy Wrap Ups provide regular updates on our latest advocacy for improving the lives of children and young people with an out-of-home care experience. Our Wrap Ups include:

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