
CREATE’s Consultations involve CREATE talking with children and young people who have a care experience to hear their views and experience on a particular topic.  We think hearing what young people have to say about their experiences in the out-of-home care system is important. It helps us to understand what is working well and what is not working well, it helps guide CREATE’s advocacy work with decision-makers, and it helps decision-makers make legislation, policies, and practices better for everyone. 

We hold a number of consultations around Australia each year. See below for details about what we are doing in your state.

Current Consultations

There are no current consultation opportunities with CREATE. Keep an eye on our socials for more soon.

CREATE has Youth Advisory Groups and events you can get involved in right now. Contact your State team for more ways to get involved.

Information for consultation participants

Consultation Participant Information

CREATE Foundation advocates for children and young people with a care experience in Australia. This means we listen to ideas from children and young people about their experiences in all forms of out-of-home care (foster care, kinship care, permanent care, and residential care) and share those views with people who run the care system to help make life better for the young people. This process is called a Consultation.

CREATE uses the information children and young people share with us through consultations to write reports and other forms of advice to help change the care system, and shape improvements to services, policies, and procedures of government departments and non-government agencies.

There are lots of different ways consultations can happen, including surveys, interviews or focus groups.

At CREATE, consultations generally involve a survey with questions about a set topic relating to out-of-home care. CREATE staff will ask a young person the survey questions one-on-one (we call this an interview). This approach allows young people to ask questions if needed. The interview generally takes place over the phone, which allows us to reach more young people, including those in regional and rural areas. The interviews also can be conducted in person if you live close a CREATE state office. Some young people may choose to answer the survey questions themselves online, which can be arranged.

When you volunteer to participate in a consultation there are some important things you need to know about the process before you begin. Key information about general consultation processes is outlined below. If you choose to be involved in one of CREATE’s consultations, more information about the specific consultation will be provided by a staff member before commencing.

Being part of a consultation (like a survey, interview or focus group) is based on Informed Consent

The instructions given before starting the consultation, and the comments included in this document, are designed to inform you of what is likely to happen during the consultation, what you need to do to participate, and any outcomes or consequences you need to consider. If there are things you don’t understand, please ask the interviewer or contact CREATE (phone: (07) 3062 4860 or email:

If you are under 18 and want to be part of the consultation, your carer or worker will need to give consent on your behalf.

If you are over 18, you can give your own informed consent.

If your consultation response is in person, you or your carer may complete a written Consent Form.

If you are responding over the phone consent can be provided verbally and is captured in the survey, or you may request a Consent Form by contacting CREATE. Alternatively, when you complete the consultation online, you can visit the Consent Site and simply enter your name to indicate your consent. This is the same site you access to claim your Participation Voucher (see below).

Being part of a consultation is voluntary; it is always your choice whether you participate or not.

You have the right to say “no” at any stage of the consultation

If you agree to take part and you have a reason for not answering some of our questions, you can skip them and move on, although we hope you will want to share as many of your thoughts with us as possible. If you decide you want to stop after the consultation has begun, you can ask to stop and we will.  Then we won’t use any of your individual answers or quotes. You can withdraw at any time during the process without any consequences for your future involvement with CREATE.

What happens to the information you give us?

CREATE will summarise what you and other children and young people say in a report for decision-makers in child protection. CREATE places copies of the various reports on our web site so anyone who participated can read what was said.

No names will be used in the report. The report will show the age, culture, and types of placement of everyone in the consultation.   CREATE values what children and young people say in response to questions and we try to include as many of the young persons’ actual words as possible. If something you say is used as a direct quote, your name will not be used—only your sex/gender and age will be given to acknowledge the source of the comment (e.g., Male, 14 years).For more information on CREATE’s Privacy Policy go to


None of your personal details will be given to anyone else UNLESS they are needed in an emergency. If you say something that makes us concerned about the safety of you or another child or young person in care, we will have to report that risk to the relevant authorities; however, we will talk to you about this before taking action.

Other stuff you might want to know

To thank you for your time and the valuable information you have provided we would like to offer you a $25.00 gift voucher.

To obtain the voucher, you will need to visit the link provided at the end of the survey, leave your name and contact details so we can send your gift. If you do not wish to receive a voucher, simply record your name (without contact information) to give consent. Your contact details and consent information will be stored in locked files at a CREATE office for 5 years in case we need to look back at it. Note that none of your details will be linked to the information you have provided.

If participating in the consultation raises any issues you would like to talk about with someone, you can call CREATE on (07) 3062 4860 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.


If you are unhappy with your experience during the consultation and want to make a complaint, you can contact CREATE at (07) 3062 4860.

For more information about making a complaint, including an online form go to

If you are still not happy with how you have been treated, you can complain to your local state Ombudsman, Children’s Commissioner, or Children’s Advocate. You can find details about your state Children’s Commissioner and Advocate/Guardian here

Remember, if you have any questions, you can call the CREATE National Office on (07) 3062 4860.

Thank you for your interest in CREATE.

Recent consultations - what young people have told us

We’ve summarised some of what young people have told us about these consultation topics into bite-sized key messages. You can read these summaries below.

NATIONAL – What young people said about Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) 2024
Visit or Services Australia to find out more about TILA. This information includes the eligibility requirements, what TILA can be used for and how to apply for it.

CREATE's Consultation Reports

Please note, the consultations listed above are the consultations which we have been given permission to publish by the organisations and bodies that have funded it. We do many more consultations with children and young people that may not be publicly distributed, but which continue to shape the care system around Australia.