CREATE’s monthly Advocacy Wrap Ups provide regular updates on our latest advocacy for improving the lives of children and young people with an out-of-home care experience.
Our Wrap Ups include:
- CREATE’s latest submissions on issues including youth justice, residential care, housing and more.
- Media releases and statements about current issues affecting children and young people in care.
- Relevant news and research in the sector so you can catch up on what has happened over the last month.
- A monthly advocacy focus. This month it’s SA’s Leaving Care Expo
- Consultation opportunities for children and young people to ensure that their lived experiences and voices are heard in decision-making about the out-of-home care system in Australia.
October advocacy focus

Leaving Care Expo an “amazing success” with calls to return next year
72 young people attended South Australia’s very first Leaving Care Expo to gain tools and information for the transition from care to independent living.
Hosted by CREATE Foundation (SA) in partnership with Key Assets Australia, the Expo has been described as an “amazing success” in connecting young people with services, information and resources to assist with their transition to adulthood. Read our full write-up about the event.

CREATE updates
CREATE thanks and farewells our Patron, Former Justice Margaret White. We also welcome three new Board Members to CREATE; Emily Hikaiti Paul, Martin Greller and Rachael Trihey. You can find out more about Our People here.
CREATE’s 2024 Annual Review is now available.
We’ve just released two new publications on what CREATE Foundation offers; Menu of Programs and Menu of Consultations. If you’re interested in exploring partnership opportunities or discussing CREATE’s programs and offerings, reach out for more information:
Latest Submissions
CREATE also made a Submission to the Select Committee on the Cost of Living. Read here.
The new ‘Keeping children safe online in communities’ hub by the eSafety Commissioner is live.
The 11th National SNAICC Conference has been confirmed for October 2025.
Media Release: More support for communities to address child sexual abuse.
Applications are now open for 2025 Youth Advisory Groups with the Australian Government.

CREATE welcomes new laws for SA to help children feel safe and supported.
Latest research and reports
After months of consultation and collaboration with young people, the Department for Child Protection and the wider sector, SA’s Sibling Connection Practice Guide for Caseworkers and Carers is now available.

CREATE was honoured to receive an award at the Queensland Children’s Week Awards for our Speak Up (SUP) program. We would like to congratulate our fellow recipients and nominees. CREATE has also been selected as one of five finalists for the Human Rights Award, in the third annual Queensland Community Impact Awards (QCIA).
Media Release: T2A Month to empower QLD teens in out-of-home care.
‘Adult crime adult time’ policy flies in the face of all evidence.

CREATE provided feedback to the Independent Review into the Tasmanian Education System. In our Submission we advocated for:
- the Independent Reviewer to address barriers to engagement in education created by contact with the care system,
- the Government to develop a mandatory training package for all teaching staff that provides a baseline understanding of the care system and its impact on educational engagement, and
- to build a culture of higher expectations around young people with a care experience the Independent Reviewer recommend that the Tasmanian Government consider commissioning and funding CREATE to develop a bespoke series of #SnapthatStigma stories with care-experienced young people in Tasmania.
CREATE keenly awaits the final report. You can read our submission here.

Latest research and reports
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Thank you for reading our Advocacy Wrap Up. To provide feedback, please email