CREATE Pulse Survey Outcomes

CREATE Foundation’s 2024 Pulse Survey asked young people and the sector how CREATE can do better. Here is what we learned from the responses we received from across Australia.

Young People Feedback

Young People want more

  • Regional activities. 
  • Cultural and connection events. 
  • Activities and fun stuff for younger kids, tweens and teens. 
  • More creative activities and family connection events. 
  • Inclusive events for young people with disabilities and neurodiversity. 
  • LGBTQIA+ pride activities. 
  • Leadership programs and life skills workshops. 
  • More support for leaving care. 
  • Support for young people over 25. 

The things that get in the way of engaging with CREATE more include

  • Living in regional areas. 
  • Crowded events and disability access. 
  • Not always knowing when events are happening. 

Young people said they are excited about

  • Meeting new people and leadership programs. 
  • Fun activities and creative projects. 
  • The 2026 CREATE Conference and the SA Leaving Care Expo. 

Sector Feedback

Understanding of CREATE's role in the sector

Many stakeholders view CREATE as a pivotal and respected peak body, known for advocating for the rights of children and young people and providing a platform for youth participation. CREATE is recognised for its impactful activities, workshops, and recent improvements in communication and partnerships. 

Stakeholders want more

  • Youth Opportunities: Increased visibility, particularly in regional areas, with more culturally appropriate engagement and opportunities for youth participation, such as connection events and leadership programs. 
  • Advocacy: Continued focus on advocacy in housing, care-leaving support, and addressing systemic issues like Centrelink debts for young people leaving care. 
  • Innovation and Impact: Suggestions for innovation, with calls for a CREATE-led accreditation process for youth participation, and a desire to see more success stories and campaigns like Snap That Stigma. 

Barriers to Collaboration include

  • Awareness and Resources: Limited awareness of CREATE’s role in some regions, lack of regional presence, and insufficient funding and resources were common concerns.  
  • State-based Focus: Stakeholders from WA and other regions emphasised the need for state-specific strategies and relationships to be more effective locally. 

Future Partnerships

Stakeholders expressed interest in co-facilitating events, partnering on training, and participating in CREATE’s initiatives. Transparency and collaboration were highlighted as key priorities, along with building stronger regional and sectoral relationships. 

Considerations Moving Forward

  • Engagement and Outreach: Strengthening relationships with stakeholders across all jurisdictions, with targeted state-based strategies, particularly in WA. 
  • Cultural Responsiveness: Continuing to work towards stronger engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and partnerships with ACCOs. 
  • Regional Engagement: Seeking additional funding to support regional activities and increase CREATE’s presence and impact in underserved areas. 

Where to from here?

CREATE is incredibly grateful for all the feedback provided by young people and sector and is committed to addressing the opportunities and challenges highlighted by our stakeholders.

Stay tuned for more updates on our progress and next steps, including CREATE’s new Strategic Plan.