Here at CREATE, our aim is to create meaningful change for children and young people with an out-of-home care experience. One of the primary powerhouses for change in our organisation is our Influencing Committee. This committee brings together all of our business areas (Policy, Marketing, Media, Operations and of course, young people!) to discuss HOW we go about making change in the sector.
Here’s the wrap up for July:
Our media guru Leigh White is always on the lookout for media opportunities to put CREATE and our Young Consultants front and centre in the media landscape. With our conference coming up, we are also on the lookout for some inspiring guest speakers to help enrich the lives of conference delegates. Let us know if you’ve got any suggestions and we will follow them up! Contact us or get in touch with leigh.white@create.org.au.
Our Snap that Stigma campaign is being revised for 2021/22! With the success of the Voices in Action podcast last year, we are looking at revitalising the podcast with a Snap that Stigma lens. If you know any young people in care who would like to be involved in an interview or share their story, please get in touch with bridie.mallon@create.org.au for more information as this project develops.
Strategic Planning:
We are on a mission to engage with as many children and young people in care as possible to inform our direction for the future! Our state teams have been working tirelessly to talk to young people about what we can do better, and what our priorities should be. We’ve also launched a competition for young people to get involved! Head here for more information on the Strategic Plan.
Our magazines are an opportunity for us to talk to young people about all the advocacy work we do here at CREATE. Our next editions are due out in early September – but in the meantime, head here to look at the current editions! We are also on the look out for content suggestions – if you have an article idea relating to our advocacy, be sure to send it through to jessica.newell@create.org.au.
Post-care launch
How times flies – it is hard to believe that it was 2 months ago that we launched our Post-Care Report, Transitioning to Adulthood from Out-of-home Care: Independence or Interdependence? Our launch was widely regarded as highly successful by the sector, and we couldn’t have held such an impactful launch without our incredible young consultants Adina, Emily and Andre. Thank you to all involved on the day. From here, our real work begins! We will be using this research in the coming weeks and months to push further for real meaningful change to the lives of young people in out-of-home care. To learn more about the report and view all the resources (videos, infographics, summaries) we have available, head here.