Tell us about yourself! What’s your role?
My role is Youth Engagement Officer for Residential Care which means I work together with young people to improve their experience of living in Residential Care through advocating, consulting and delivering programs like CREATE Your Future.
Why are you a CREATE Mate?
I am a CREATE Mate because I believe the work that CREATE does is incredibly important in improving the care systems and giving young people a voice. Young people are the experts and are in the best position to tell us about their experiences. CREATE provides a number of opportunities for young people to engage and connect with each other and their wider community through consultation, activities and programs.
What’s something you’re passionate about in the care sector? What’s something you’re proud of?
I am passionate about giving young people a voice and empowering them to take control of their lives and decision making for better outcomes. I am proud of the young people that I get to work alongside and their continued resilience.
Everyone’s a bit wacky in their own way… what’s a fun fact about you?
I love to travel! I have visited over 10 countries and had the amazing opportunity of working with young people in the Home of Love program in Cambodia over a 7-year period.
Say Hello to Emilie!