June Advocacy Wrap Up

CREATE’s monthly Advocacy Wrap Ups provide regular updates on our latest advocacy for improving the lives of children and young people with an out-of-home care experience.

Our Wrap Ups include:

  • CREATE’s latest submissions on issues including youth justice, residential care, housing and more.
  • Media releases and statements about current issues affecting children and young people in care.
  • Relevant news and research in the sector so you can catch up on what has happened over the last month.
  • A monthly advocacy focus. This month it’s extended support for care leavers in the ACT.
  • Consultation opportunities for children and young people to ensure that their lived experiences and voices are heard in decision-making about the out-of-home care system in Australia.
Please share our Wrap Ups far and wide! If you have any feedback, email marketing@create.org.au

June advocacy focus

ACT has extended support for care leavers to age 21.

This is a big win for improving the transition from care. CREATE continues to advocate for extended support to 25 for care leavers in the ACT, and we hope to see this positive momentum continue in recognition of the disproportionate impact of the current cost of living and housing crises on young people transitioning from care. Read more about ACT extending support to age 21. 

Purple Australia


The 2024 Mission Australia Youth Survey is now open to Australians aged 15-19.

The National Survey of LGBTQIA+ Youth Voice in Australia has opened.

Free online leadership training from Plan Australia for young people interested in gender equality, leadership and advocacy.


After 17 years of tireless work and dedicated leadership, Jacqui Reed will be stepping down as CEO of CREATE Foundation due to health reasons.

Jacqui’s passionate advocacy for children and young people in out-of-home care has been transformative and we extend our deepest thanks to Jacqui for her unwavering commitment and incredible contributions.

Independent Senator David Pocock and MP Kylea Tink are set to introduce a private members’ bill in both chambers that would require current and future governments to implement a 10-year national housing and homelessness plan.

CREATE welcomes the Commonwealth, State and Territory Budgets.  

Over May and June 2024, the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments released their budgets for 2024-25.

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CREATE was pleased to see a number of strong commitments and investments in the out-of-home-care sector and toward early intervention programs. However, greater investment is required nationally to meet the needs of children and young people in out-of-home care, and to support young care leavers in the face of Australia’s cost of living and housing affordability crisis. 

Budget highlights include:

  • ACT’s Budget expanded programs to support young people in out-of-home care to transition to independent living. 
  • The NSW Government prioritised $224.1 million to build a better foster care system, including reforming the out-of-home care sector. The Budget also included measures which will support free Working with Children Checks for volunteers, students on a professional placement, and potential adoptive parents or authorised carers.
  • WA’s Budget allocated additional funding for Home Stretch WA to convert the existing pilot into an ongoing program and extending it to include eight Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) as well as three mainstream services, extending its regional coverage. The Budget also prioritised $6.6m funding over 2 years to continue the Health Navigator Pilot Program which CREATE is a proud contributor to. 
  • Premier Allen’s first Victorian Budget 2024/25 prioritised children and families with $374 million allocated to protecting children and supporting families. The $198 million commitment to delivering more early intervention services to help keep families together is critical to interrupting prolonged cycles of contact with the out-of-home care system. 
  • The South Australian Government allocated $70 million in 2023-24 to support children and young people in non-family-based care placements and $4.6 million over four years to the Guardian for Children and Young People to perform the statutory functions, Training Centre Visitor, and Child and Young Person’s Visitor.
  • The Northern Territory Government used their Budget to fund a new model of care for youth detention, supporting young people to receive specialised care.
  • The Queensland 2024-25 Budget showed a strong commitment to supporting children, young people and their families through the continuation of the Extended Post Care Support program, important focuses on early intervention, more support for foster and kinship carers and a pilot family reunification service.
  • The Commonwealth Government’s 2024-25 Budget focused on easing the burden of the rising cost of living. CREATE however is concerned the broader package of support measures won’t trickle down to young people with a care experience, especially those who are in the midst of transitioning from care.
Purple Australia with Queensland in yellow

Our submissions

CREATE provided feedback to the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services and Department of Justice and Attorney-General in relation to the review of Queensland’s child protection litigation (CPL) model.

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CREATE is supportive of the measures aimed to promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and families involved with the CPL model. In line with our mission, the submission focuses on the voices and perspectives of children and young people with a lived-experience of statutory care, inclusive of young adults who have experienced intergenerational contact with the child protection system. We advocated for the implementation of a thoughtfully designed CPL model, imbued with robust checks and balances, can significantly enhance the welfare and protection of children in contact with the child protection system. By adopting comprehensive resources, digital tools, and support services, the system can become more transparent and navigable for children and their families.

Latest research and reports

Queensland Foster Carer Demographic Insights Report by PeakCare and QFCC.

Purple Australia with yellow NSW

Our submissions

CREATE joined a coalition of more than 100 organisations and groups to make a joint submission with Raise The Age NSW and the Justice and Equity Centre.

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Collectively, we’re calling on the NSW Government to: resource and support Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations to work with First Nations children, families, and communities; fund targeted services and interventions that help kids learn to be accountable, and do better, when they go off track; and be guided by evidence and #RaiseTheAgeNSW from 10 to at least 14 without exception.

Purple Australia with yellow Tasmania


Change for Childrena 10-year Strategy for upholding the rights of children by preventing, identifying and responding to child sexual abuse has been released.

The Tasmanian Government has released the first progress report on the implementation of recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry.

New multi-agency taskforce to accelerate youth justice reforms.

CREATE farewells Tasmania’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Leanne McLean.

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CREATE would like to wish Tasmania’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Leanne McLean a warm farewell and extend our gratitude to her for the fierce advocacy work she has led as Commissioner over the last five and a half years. CREATE was proud to support children and young people in Tasmania to engage in a range of systemic inquiries conducted by the Commissioner during her tenure. We also valued Commissioner Mclean’s presence and participation in our Voices in Action Conference earlier this year where she shared generous insights in a young person-led panel on how lived experience is valued and respected and initiatives aimed at educating children and young people in care about their rights.


Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute is providing an opportunity for someone with experience of homelessness in Victoria to attend the Australian Homelessness Conference 2024

Latest research and reports

Foster Care Association of Victoria’s 2024 Foster Carer Snapshot Report is now available. 


First People’s Assembly negotiations likely to result in significant changes including the Department of Fairness, Families and Housing (DFFH) preparing for ‘likely transfer’ of powers from DFFH to First Nations groups.

Advancing self-determination across the Victorian child protection system will also be critical to reducing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in care. 

Victorian coroner condemns ‘systemic racism and paternalism’ in child protection system after inquest into 17-year-old’s death. 

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CREATE was deeply saddened to learn that a young Aboriginal girl’s pleas to connect with culture were left unheard following the Victorian Coroner’s inquest into the 17-year-old’s deathCREATE has heard from young Aboriginal people in Victoria about their deep desire to connect to culture, Country and community. And they call for systems and services that listen to their needs and their words. Their voices speak to the need for the Victorian Government to resource the Aboriginal community-controlled sector to respond to the needs of Aboriginal children and young people in culturally rich and self-determined ways.


YAL Connect Scholarships are now open for students aged 14-25.


New program to improve creativity and wellbeing for young people across Western Australia.

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The Western Australia Government has allocated $600,000 to 8 organisations to trial culture and the arts projects with health benefits. The pilot program aims to provide opportunities for participation and engagement in arts and creative activities for young people in WA, particularly those that identify as: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD), LGBTQIA+, or are impacted by a level of socio-economic disadvantage.

A purple Australia with SA in yellow

Consultation opportunities

South Australia’s Commissioner for Children and Young People wants to hear from SA teenagers aged 13 to 19 years about ‘safety’.


South Australia to establish peak body to amplify the voices of First Nations children and families.

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The SA Government has progressed its work to establish a peak body to amplify the voices of South Australian Aboriginal children and families, with CEO recruitment underway for Wakwakurna Kanyini meaning ‘holding on to our children. CREATE looks forward to supporting Wakwakurna Kanyini ‘s advocacy efforts aimed at effecting systemic change for Aboriginal families, children, and young people across South Australia. 

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Thank you for reading our Advocacy Wrap Up. To provide feedback, please email marketing@create.org.au