Jasmine Snaps That Stigma

Jasmine is a proud First Nations woman who came into the care system at the age of 9.  Jasmine is currently 22 years old and her biggest passion in life is to work with Children and Young People that went through similar situations to her and snapping the stigma of growing up in care.  Jasmine speaks about the importance of workers who genuinely care about the people in her life who really believed in her.  She would like to be there for others in a similar way.

Jasmine has a powerful story and acknowledges that while being in the care system was beneficial in some ways, it also had a significant impact on the connection that she had with her family.  Jasmine is currently studying a Certificate 3 in Community Services as well as being on numerous NGO boards and committees as an advisory voice for children and young people with a care experience.

Jasmine has had a positive impact through being able to tell her story, talk about times the system failed and strongly advocates for change.  She is humble, dedicated and passionate about making sure that all children and young people within the system reach their potential.

Jasmine is an exceptional individual who has demonstrated remarkable dedication, compassion and diligence throughout her life. Her outstanding achievements are a testament not only to her resilience but also her commitment to making a positive impact on the world around her. Some of the important accomplishments include:

  • Co-facilitating Worker Training, sharing her experience in the out of home care sector
  • Co-facilitating an enquiry in the removal of Aboriginal Children and Young People with the Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, April Lawrie.
  • Sitting on the panel of GOM Central as a voice of a young person with lived experience
  • Recording a podcast alongside GOM Central with Brooke Oliver from RASA
  • Volunteering with CREATE and being involved in painting the mural on the tennis house on Greenhill road
  • Participating in No Capes For Change, Youth Advisory Group
  • Being on the Influencing Committee at CREATE Foundation, including attending meetings with the minister and Fiona Ward and being involved in the interview recruitment process for staff within CREATE
  • Sitting on the interview panel with Office of the Guardian
  • Informing the practice of Residential Care Service providers through sharing what it’s like to live within a residential care house


Jasmine aims to one day be the Minister for Child Protection, she says “If I can make a positive impact on at least one child or young person then I would have had a successful career”. 

Jasmine has overcome many hurdles throughout her life, including being in care. Throughout her time within the system she went through 40 homes, with 25 of those being in the first 5 years! The year that Jasmine transitioned from care she realised that she had a significant health concern. Through many tests and appointments with specialists, Jasmine continued to show strength and courage and is now glad to report that she’s healthy and more than ever motivated to help organisations understand what it’s like to live in a broken system.

In April 2023, Jasmine was involved in the recording of a video to be presented at the DCP Workforce Summit.  Jasmine spoke about her time in care and identified staff members that had made a positive impact on her and how this also assisted her post care experience. She was able to share her thoughts around what makes a good DCP worker and how they can support children and young people in care. Feedback received from a group of DCP staff who viewed the video indicated how impactful it was having the voice of young people in the video.

Jasmine is a natural leader, both within her studies and within the work that she does within the sector. She always wants to do the best job that she can and is dedicated to personal and professional growth.  She inspires so many people around her, and the effort she puts into all of her projects is really inspiring. She is fantastic when it comes to advocating for herself and for those around her.
