Health Navigator Pilot Program in WA

This year, CREATE in Western Australia proudly contributed to the Western Australia Government’s Health Navigator Pilot Program (HNPP) initiative. The HNPP helps young people in care receive the support to look after their health when they need it. As leaders in the out-of-home care sector, CREATE supported young people with a care experience to develop both a young person meeting statement and a young person friendly brochure as part of the project.

The young person meeting statement is to be “used in meetings where decisions are being made about the child or young person in care.” The statement ensures that all parties maintain their focus on the young person’s best interests and their views, regardless of whether or not they are present in the meeting. “Nothing about us, without us.”

The brochure details steps that young people can take to find and access medical care and services. It complements established materials targeted towards professionals and carers to ensure that the information is accessible and made available to all young people.

Combined, these resources contribute to an overarching aim to provide better access to medical care and health support for children and young people in out-of-home care.

Well done to all the young people involved.