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We are always looking for people to get involved with CREATE! Whether you are a child or young person in care, a carer, a caseworker or a member of the general community, we would love your involvement and support to help us to CREATE change in the care system in Australia!
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This website was built in consultation with children and young people with a care experience. Thank you to all the young people involved in providing feedback and sharing your insights throughout this process.
CREATE Foundation acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples and Traditional Owners of the lands, skies and waters where we live and work. We pay deep respect to Elders, knowledge holders and community leaders across all Aboriginal communities.
We acknowledge that Australia is culturally rich with the oldest living cultures on earth. And we acknowledge over 60,000 years of growing kids strong, connected to culture and Country.
National Office – Sydney
Suite 6.01, Level 6, 80 George St
Phone: (02) 9267 1999
ABN 69 088 075 058