Recently, CREATE in Tasmania held their first virtual art comp Connection Event – and what an amazing event it has been! The theme was “connection to family, siblings and friends”.
Each household was sent an art and craft pack in the mail. Families could use these materials and other art supplies which they had in their house, to create their art piece. Each and every entry is brilliant, creative and beautiful. Thank you!
Every family or young person who has entered the competition got to vote on their 3 favourite art pieces – and now the winners are in!
Congratulations to the winners Kasey (9), Lara (16), Clifton Family and the Ralph Family of the first ever TAS CREATE n Paint art competition. We’ve had a lot of really wonderful feedback from carers, young people and CSO’s about how lovely it was for families to work together on the project.
The winners artwork is highlighted below:
Under 12’s Winner:

13 and Over Winner:

And our two Joint Family Winners:

Each and very entry was so beautiful, thoughtful and creative. We look forward to the next creative piece we are brewing for child protection week, so keep an eye out for details.