CREATE Foundation is delighted to celebrate our longstanding partnership with Aon, marking a decade of charitable contributions to create a better life for children and young people with a care experience.

Aon and CREATE started their partnership in 2007 with the shared value of empowering results for child welfare and communities across Australia. The charity relationship has since then grown into a unique partnership that extends far beyond a financial contribution.
For CREATE CEO Jacqui Reed, the 10 year anniversary is a chance to commemorate an important milestone as Aon Charitable Foundation has been at the forefront of CREATE’s fundraising, volunteering and in-kind donations for a decade.
“It’s been a wonderful 10 years and we’re excited to be working alongside Aon Charitable Foundation. What an incredible success!” says Jacqui.
“Thank you for your tremendous support, we truly believe it’s made a significant difference to the lives of kids in care across Australia.”

CREATE is grateful to the contribution that Aon staff have made to create a better life for children and young people with care experiences. Aon staff have donated their time at CREATE Connection Events around Australia, which provide children and young people with a care experience the opportunity to make like-minded friends and sometimes to meet their siblings for the first time.
Aon staff have also written 41,951 birthday cards, packed 3,390 Entering Care Kits and filled 4,575 Welcome Packs. Aon also donated hundreds of presents during Christmas in the numerous gift appeals, ensuring many children in care do not feel lonely and isolated. CREATE wouldn’t have been able to send any of these without the dedicated and enthusiastic Aon volunteers!

In addition to an annual donation by the Foundation, Aon has raised an impressive $235,000 through diverse activities: Aon Risk Services Leadership Conference, fun runs, golf days, workplace giving donations and the terrific 2015 Aon Emerge Leadership Team. Aon never misses a CREATE ‘Beat the Bosses Trivia night’ either!
The partnership between Aon and CREATE was a successful one and will continue to be strong with the help of Fiona Norris, who has been managing the Aon Charitable Foundation since 2013
“It’s rewarding to take a breath and reflect on the achievements we have accomplished to date. When we first became partners with CREATE in 2007, it was a major deal and today, 10 years on, having improved the lives of children and young people in out-of-home care – this is a milestone certainly worth celebrating” Fiona said.
To mark this important moment, CREATE will be showcasing the highlights of the substantial contribution Aon has provided over the past 10 years, with the hashtag #10yearsAonCREATE. Keep an eye out for these and other celebratory updates on our social media from Tuesday 12th December!
A heartfelt thank you and happy anniversary.