Consultations in ACT

Australian Capital Territory – Health and Wellbeing

CREATE is currently conducting a state-wide consultation on Health and Wellbeing.

This consultation is open for young people aged 13–22 years with a care experience in ACT.

If this is you, we are keen to talk to you about what you think is important regarding your health and wellbeing. In particular, we would like to know what you do to look after your health and wellbeing, any concerns you might have, and how you could be more supported to be healthy and well.

This consultation involves a survey which is being conducted via interviews over the phone. It will take approximately 45 minutes.

If you are interested in being called by a CREATE staff member to complete this survey, please read the Participant Information Sheet and fill out the EOI form below.

Any information you provide during this consultation will be kept confidential (unless something you say makes us concerned for your safety). To thank you for your time, a $25 voucher can be emailed to you.

To participate in this survey, your carer or caseworker also will need to provide consent. This can be arranged during the phone interview.

If you’d like to contact a CREATE staff member to ask any questions about this consultation, please call: 0412 259 643 or email: