Better Futures and Home Stretch

Better Futures is a program the supports young people transitioning from care in Victoria from 16, up to 21 years of age. Better Futures gives you an active voice in decisions about your future and provides you with the support you need to reach your goals across housing, study, work, health and wellbeing and community and cultural connections. 

You can get Home Stretch support through the Better Futures program. Home Stretch provides an accommodation allowance to put towards housing and other things that support your transition goals. Home Stretch can help you stay with your carer, if that is the best option,  or support you to live independently.

CREATE was asked by the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing to consult with young people to develop Better Futures and Home Stretch resources.

A series of factsheets and animations were created to help explain the support available to young people. Thank you to all those young people who got involved! You can check them out below.


Better Futures and Home Stretch

Better Futures – Flexible Funding

Better Futures – Community Connections

Fact Sheets

Learn more about Better Futures and Home Stretch program and the support available through these fact sheets designed by young people for young people. 

There are also Better Futures Our Way Animations and Fact Sheets which help guide Aboriginal young people leaving care and their carers.

Tenancy Support Animations


These resources were informed by The Youth Expert Advisory Group (YEAG). This group of lived-experience young consultants was Established in 2019 to ensure the voice and expertise of young people with lived experience provide advice, feedback, and recommendations to government to inform policy and program development.

The YEAG is funded by Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, facilitated by CREATE Foundation in partnership with the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

To learn more or to join this group contact