As we get started on 2022, CREATE has a lot to keep you up to date on in the world of policy and advocacy, from media updates, presentations at events, submissions and our magazine. We are really excited about what this new year will bring, from the Voices in Action Conference from April 26 – 29 to some big policy initiatives that young people right around Australia are going to be working on together. We will also connect with our partners globally as we continue to advocate for all children and young people with a care experience. Let’s dive in!
In the media
We are continuing to share our Post-Care report that was completed last year, so make sure you take the chance to share the report with your people in your community. The report provides a comprehensive account of the issues that impact on the lived reality of children and young people with a care experience in Australia.
And keep your eyes peeled on our socials to stay up to date with stories of young people with a care experience! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.
Speaking Events and Presentations
CREATE presented at the SNAICC National Voice for Our Children Conference in December of last year. In Australia First Nations Children make up 5% of the population[1] however, they make up 40% of the children and young people in out of home care[2]. The continuing over-representation of First Nations children and young people in the child protection system is of significant concern to the CREATE Foundation and we will continue to advocate for measures that prevent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people coming into care and to work to reduce the over-representation of First Nations children and young people.
Our presentation at the SNAICC conference prioritised the voices of First Nations children and young people and provided both research based and anecdotal evidence to demonstrate the ongoing impacts for First Nations children and young people in care. In the CREATE Post Care Report[3] for instance, 80% of First Nations participants revealed they would rarely access cultural services when transitioning out of care even when these services were available. These First Nations young people, when interviewed, also shared they felt particularly disadvantaged in the areas of education, placement stability, and when dealing with Youth Justice or legal issues[4].
At the CREATE Foundation we have been excited to hear about some of the developments discussed at the Conference to overcome these and other challenges. Please follow SNAICC on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to stay informed about First Nations initiatives.
The CREATE Foundation has been participating in meetings with the National Coalition for the Protection of Australia’s Children Steering Committee, and the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS) Roundtables. At these meetings we have been making action plans for the next stage of the National Strategy for Protecting Children and working with our sector partners to analyse issues around child development, youth justice, and education.

Young People’s voices driving change
In our last wrap-up we discussed the submission we made to the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee of the Queensland Parliament and a legislative bill that would change how the blue card system operated for First Nations people. You can access our submission and other submissions here.
The Inquiry timeframe has been extended and we can expect to hear from them by October 2022. We will keep you up to date about this important piece of legislation that is a significant pillar in the measures that protect children and young people.
At the CREATE Foundation a major focus of the coming weeks and months is the Raise the Age campaign. This important campaign is all about raising the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years of age. At CREATE it is our view that this is an obvious step forward and one which we wholeheartedly support. There are many state and territory governments who are raising this issue currently, so stay tuned for further updates as this continues to unfold.
Our CREATE Policy and Advocacy Team have recently completed submissions for the ACT, and QLD Governments, who have both opened submissions on this important reform. Our submissions into these legislative reviews highlight the need to increase the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to age 14. Supporting this view is medical, legal, National and International evidence from the United Nations, Doctors, human rights bodies, and legal experts in Australia. The CREATE Foundation will continue to make submissions that strongly advocate for an age of criminal responsibility that aligns with this evidence, our own research, and experience working with children and young people.
Another big area for our advocacy is the issue of high caseloads for child protection case workers. It is an ongoing concern for the CREATE Foundation and we have been hearing recently from young people that many caseworkers have high caseloads that impacts their ability to stay connected with the young people they are working with. The impact of COVID 19 on the child protection workforce across Australia has also exacerbated the high workloads that many case workers are experiencing.
CREATE will continue to work with the States and Territories across Australia to advocate for caseworkers to have reasonable and manageable caseloads because we know they have such a big impact on the experience of kids in care – a great caseworker can change a lot for a young person.
clubCREATE Magazines
Our magazines are due out again in March! These editions are jam-packed with articles including information on Care Day 2022, our Conference and the Raise the Age campaign. Sign up to our newsletter below and keep an eye out for those magazines in your inbox. Or check out previous versions here!

[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2018). Estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/ aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples/estimates-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-australians/jun-2016
[2] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). (2020). Child Protection Australia. 2018–2019. Canberra: AIHW.
[3] McDowall, J. J. (2020). Transitioning to Adulthood from Out-of-Home Care: Independence or Interdependence. CREATE Foundation. P.53
[4] Ibid, p.69