Do you know an awesome carer, worker or program that has made a positive difference in your life?
Have they helped you to have a voice and make you feel listened to? At CREATE we want to help you to tell them how much they rock! Since 2013, the CREATE Award has been part of the Victorian Protecting Children Awards.
These awards are in honour of amazing leaders and workers in the field of child, youth and family welfare and celebrate the superheroes that are in your life.
If you know a worker or a program that:
• Makes you feel like you are listened to and heard
• Someone who tries their best to always help you
• Who supports you with things that are important to you
We want to hear about it, so nominate them for the CREATE Positive Impact Award!
The CREATE Positive Impact Award is open to young people aged 8-25 to nominate a carer, worker or program in Victoria. If you would like more information or would like to speak to someone about your nomination, contact the CREATE crew on 1800 655 105 or 9918 0002 or email victoria@create.org.au
Nominations close 5 April 2024.
Visit Victorian Protecting Children Awards website