CREATE’s response to the Budget 2024-25

CREATE welcomes the release of the Federal Budget 2024-25. While CREATE is pleased with the focus of the Budget on easing the burden of the rising cost of living, we are concerned the broader package of support measures won’t trickle down to young people with a care experience, especially those who are in the midst of transitioning from care.


The commitment of $1.9 billion for a 10 percent increase in Commonwealth Rent Assistance is a welcomed measure for those facing rental distress, however, CREATE is calling on the Federal Government to increase the rate of TILA from $1500 to $10,000 to better support young people transitioning from care to enter the rental market in the first instance and enable young people to make genuine choices around their living arrangements. 

Cost of living

CREATE echoes calls from the sector (see ACOSS statement) that the Commonwealth Government desperately needs to recalibrate both JobSeeker and Youth Allowances to ensure that young people are better able to cover the cost of basic essentials in the face of the rising cost of living and soaring rental prices. Whilst measures such as quarterly price comparison reports for groceries are positive, more needs to be done to ensure young people in care are adequately supported to access basic essentials. 


CREATE supports the one-year freeze on the maximum Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) patient co-payment for everyone with a Medicare card and a five-year freeze for pensioners and other concession cardholders. While the Budget allocates $888.1 million to a mental health package over eight years to help people get the care they need, young people we talk to consistently speak to the lack of support and understanding they receive from ‘generalist or mainstream services’. As such, CREATE calls for specific and tailored mental health support delivered to young people with a care experience that acknowledges experiences of trauma prior to entering care and as a result of involvement with the care system.

Support for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations

CREATE also welcomed the announcement the Budget is investing $2.4 billion over 5 years to create new opportunities and achieve better outcomes for First Nations people, including in the priority areas of jobs, health, education, justice, housing and other essential infrastructure and services. However, we encourage the Commonwealth Government to work with state and territory government to ensure this funding is directed to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to demonstrate a true and genuine commitment to partnership and supporting self-determined ways of being safe and well.